Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Design of Design - Summary of Chapter 15

Chapter 15: The Divorce of Design
  • The Divorce of Design from Use and from Implementation
    • Most appalling development in the design disciple in the 20th century has to be divorce of both the user and the implementer.
    • Several designers back in the 19th century and onwards have invented significant amount of things.
    • However designers can rarely use their own personal experiences as a user, and must seek advice from other.
    • There are exceptions to the divorces, and one exception is software engineering.
    • "Software engineering, for example, is still so young that system architects were once programmers" (Brooks, 176).
    • "The designers of UNIX and especially the Open Source designers of Linux start with their own needs, build tools for their own use, and share with their own peers. I reckon this accounts for both the use success and the user passion" (Brooks 177).
  • Why the Divorces?
    • Advances in the 20th century required specialization and attention from special engineers and in specified time. The implementation was critical in specialization.
    • Some things designed are much more complex and demand a lot of energy from the designer, as well as the cases mentioned above about time and specialization.
  • Fallout from the Divorces
    • Most divorces happen due to miscommunications.
    • "Architects build elegant buildings that are hard to work in" (Brooks, 177).
    • Sometimes communication is poor which can prevent the engineers in knowing exactly what is needed.
  • Remedies
    • Remedy 1: Use-Scenario Experience
      • A small amount of experience is better than not having any.
      • "This “user” experience led to the design of the first operator’s console to be program-controlled (essentially a close-connected terminal) rather than directly reflecting and affecting the hardware, a capability that enables multiple consoles for multiple operators, and a flexible allocation of tasks among operators, as well as online interactive debugging of programs" (Brooks, 178).
    • Remedy 2: Close Interaction with Users via Incremental Development and Iterative Delivery

    • Remedy 3: Concurrent Engineering
    • Remedy 4: Education of Designers

Knoxville Businesses

  • Located on 1212 Galewood Rd, Knoxville, TN 37919
  • Video Security Systems is a private-based company which is classified under Fire Alarm Systems and Equipment Testing. This company also provides services in burglar alarm systems.
  • Established in 1989.
  • Employes around 1 to 4 people.
  • 22 years in business.
  • Annual revenue is $1 to $2.5 million.
  • Call (865)693-8060

  • Located at 309 David Street, Clinton, TN.
  • ITS Home Security installs and services major brand of security systems in the surrounding area of East TN. Some of the brands that ITS Home Security services include Ademco, DSC, Honeywell, and Caddex.
  • Established in 2008.
  • Employes around 1 to 4 people.
  • Annual revenue is $1 to $2.5 million.
  • Email sent to ITS Home security at info@tnalarms.com

  • Located on 10629 Lone Star Way, Knoxville, TN 37932
  • Liberty Security Systems is a locally owned business, serving the security needs of people residing in Knoxville, TN.
  • This company services several needs:
    • Burglar alarms
    • Security systems
    • Home theater such as surround sound
    • Fire alarms
    • Smoke detectors
    • Heat detectors
    • Gas detectors
    • and more.
  • Established around 1986.
  • Employes around 2 to 4 people.
  • How much revenue does the business generate? PENDING
  • Email sent to Liberty Security Systems at info@libertysecuritysystems.com

Monday, February 27, 2012

Addtional New Technology

New Battery Technology

Engineers at Northwestern University have been using the new lithium-ion technology which allows a user to expand their battery life 10x.

"Dr. Harold Kung of Northwestern University said they are able to make all of this possible because they discovered how to squeeze more ions into the battery and increase their movement speed. With the new technology, a typical mobile phone would charge to 100 percent in only 15 minutes, yet last for an entire week on that single charge" (Tinari).

Kung says that even after 150 charges, meaning being used for one year or more in operation Kung believes the battery is still more effective than a normal lithium-ion batteries nowadays.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Design of Design - Summary of Chapters 13 - 14

Chapter 13: Exemplars in Design

  • Few Designs Are All-New
    • But These Surely Are Fun!
      • Rarely does a designer see a design that is completely new.
    • The Common Lot.
      • Most designers derive from found facts that are intended for similar purposes and built with the same technology.
  • The Role of Exemplars
    • "Exemplars provide safe models for new designs, implicit checklists of design tasks, warning of potential mistakes, and launching pads for radical new designs" (Brooks, 154).
    • That's why great designers took the time to find and understand what has already been discovered by others.
  • What about Computer and Software Design?
    • A great design follows older design disciplines, but nowadays we have improved greatly in learning the new ways of the modern science.
    • What Exemplars Do You Use?
      • Computers.
        • Designs adapt well in a common field.
        • Hence people who work for a certain company, can do a better job designing something for that company because he/she knows better how to make their design adjust with the company and adapt with it well.
      • Mass-Product Software
        • "Products such as Microsoft Word have followed the design pattern of computers, with successive generations created by progressively modifying function an implementation" (Brooks, 156).
      • Custom Application Software and Operating Systems.
        • The building and architecture of software solely relies on the experience of the designer instead of the individual themselves. Each person deals with certain tasks depending on what they are good at, and what they feel comfortable knowing.
  • Studying Design Rationales of Exemplars
    • To overview about a product, the designer has the studying the technical papers and other books about the product.
    • Technical papers emphasize what the product and sometime goes over the why of the paper.
    • First-Generation Computers
      • " The most important computer paper ever written is "Preliminary discussion of the logical design of an electronic computing instrument""(Brooks, 157).
      • After many designers read this paper, many designer tried to successfully build a store-program computer.
    • Third-Generation Computers
      • "Second-generation computer architectures ran out of gas; that is, they lacked enough address bits to handle the large memories that had become economical and indispensable" (Brooks, 158).
      • High level language allowed for recompilation and integrated circuits provided a great deal of insight in their realization cost.
    • Virtual Memory
      • "The Manchester Atlas introduced the automatic paging of blocks instructions and data from a slower backing store into a smaller high-speed memory" (Brooks, 159).
    • The Minicomputer Revolution
      • Transistor-diode logic changed the way computer where made. It drastically made it cheaper to think about a computer.
    • The Microcomputer and RISC Revolutions
      • With integrated circuits,  a revolution took place making it cheaper for individuals to own a personal computer/machine.

  • What Should a Discipline Do to Improve Exemplar-Based Design?
    • Collection of Exemplars
      • This section show that there are plenty on exemplar designers.
    • Beyond Collection
      • After carefully overviewing the collection, all you have to deal with is an even-handed criticism for each particular exemplar.
      • Next step after criticism would be analysis.
    • What about Software Design?
      • Software design has been developed and improved for a long time, that's why it has progress so much thought collections, criticisms, and analysis.
      • Who?
        • "Systematizing exemplars for study is a task of scholar- ship, not of design. Scholars and designers are different in taste and temperament" (Brooks, 161).
      • How Encouraged?
        • "Does modern engineering academia value and praise the work of the systematizer? Can one get tenure for doing such? In many institutions this work would be valued in a History of Science and Technology Department, but not in an Engineering Department" (Brooks. 161).
  • Exemplars -- Laziness, Originality, and Pride.
    • "Whoa! The above discussion on exemplars in design skips lightly by some issues very real for each designer:
      • Isn’t copying an early design, a precedent, just an exercise in laziness? Can an honest professional do that with integrity?
      • People become designers because they like to make things. What fun is there in confining one’s self-expression within the iron cage of another’s style?
      • The world highly values originality and innovation and rewards them with respect, reputation, and sometimes fame and fortune.
      • One’s special contribution to the human race depends upon one’s own unique vision. Isn’t it a disservice to neglect or suppress this originality?" (Brooks, 162).
    • Some Perspective
      • Brooks does not assert that exemplars who have adapted to the design can easily solve most design problems.
      • However Brooks does assert that:
        • The designer should know well the exemplars of his craft, their strengths, their weaknesses. originality is no excuse for ignorance.
        • In engineering, if not in the arts, gratuitous innovation (that is, not anticipated to be “better” in some useful sense) is a foolish idea and a selfish indulgence of pride—because of the unavoidable risk of unintended downside consequences.
        • Designers who master the styles of their predecessors have more treasures upon which their originality can draw.
    • Laziness
      • The world is full of lazy designers who hardly do any work. These lazy designers can minimize work, instead of picking an exemplar and modifying it to fit.
      • However most lazy designers just copy the work and do not draw any conclusion that someone who isn't lazy can. 
      • For instance, the ancient designers who have become exemplar over the years.
    • Originality and Pride
      • Designers try to meet their functional needs and make sure that their design is robust, and durable under stress.
      • Originality as Goal or By-product.
        • "He who seeks originality is apt to find novelty, but not permanence of delight. On the other hand, he who seeks to make designs that really work is most apt to come up with new designs of enduring value, almost as a by-product" (Brooks, 163).
      • Pride.
        • "Closely tied to the striving after originality is pride, a desire to make a name for oneself. This ancient cause and consequent of humanity’s fall infects all design, and ruins much" (Brooks, 163).
Chapter 14: How Expert Designers Go Wrong
  • Mistakes
    • Brooks believes that a designer with less experience tends to make mistakes that a professional person would not make.
    • However when professionals make mistakes, it is normally a large mistake.
    • Sometimes it can affect the construction on the product.
    • Henry Petroski lists a few of things that designers do regardless of experience.
      • Tread cautiously at first.
      • Master the new approach.
      • Begin to extend it boldly, often forgetting the underlying assumptions.
      • Overreach in their boldness and self-confidence, pressed perhaps by hubris and competitiveness.
    • "Success is dangerous for the professional designer. Failure stimulates analysis, scrutiny, rethinking. Success stimulates confidence both in design technique and in oneself. Both trusts may be misplaced" (Brooks, 169).
  • The Worse Computer Language Ever
    • Brooks explains that one failure caused by experts has to be IBM's Operating System / 360 Job Control Language (JCL).
    • What's JCL?
      • OS / 360 was designed to be a batch operating system, however the first terminal users could interact with each other by sending job into the queue, setting them up, inquiring its status, and results of the jobs done.
      • JCL was a scripting language that specified the options for computer a batch job.
    • So What's Wrong with JCL?
      • "The biggest flaw of all was that JCL is indeed a programming language, but it was not perceived as such by its designers" (Brooks, 170).
      • One Scheduling Language for All Programming Languages.
        • Each user of the OS/360 concept must know at least two languages, one of these required languages was JCL, then the second could be any language of his choice.
        • Designers wanted schedule-capability instead of a single schedule-time language.
      • Like S/360 Assembler in Syntax, Rather than a High-Level Language.
        • "Having mistakenly decided to have one schedule-time language, the designers chose the wrong one. As early as 1966, one year after the full OS/360 was up and running, assembler- language jobs accounted for only about 1 percent of all jobs. A major paradigm shift had happened, and it wasn’t recognized" (Brooks, 170).
      • But Not Exactly Like S/360 Assembler Syntax.
        • "Enough deviations crept into JCL that knowing S/360 Assembler syntax did not mean knowing JCL syntax (Brooks, 170).
      • Card-Column-Dependent.
        • A paradigm was taking place, and being pushed, however, the system wasn't recognizing it.
        • "Fortran, for reasons having to do with the 36-bit word of the IBM 704 (1956), allowed statements of 72 characters, plus continuation lines. Characters beyond the 72nd in a line were ignored" (Brooks, 171).
      • Too Few Verbs.
        • "The designers’ proud boast was that JCL has only six verbs: JoB, EXEC, DD, and so on. And so it does. But the number of functions the language has to perform far exceeds six.2 With an imposed “elegant” simplicity not up to the actual complexity inherent in the task at hand, the complexity inevitably breaks out in jury-rigged solutions" (Brooks, 171).
      • Declaration Parameters Do Verbish Things.
        • "The verb functions have to be provided somehow. So in JCL a Data Declaration (DD) statement is provided with a (too-)rich set of keyword parameters. Many of these are imperative verbs in disguise, such as DISP, which commands what to do with the dataset after a job step ends" (Brooks, 171).
      • Almost No Branching.
        • "Central to most programming languages is the concept of a conditional branch. JCL has no such central concept—branching is an afterthought, restricted in action, achieved through a parameter" (Brooks, 171).
      • No Iteration.
        • "There is no direct primitive in JCL to accomplish iteration; it must be fashioned out of the awkward branching. The designers did not imagine an iterative action in a schedule- time script" (Brooks, 171).
      • No Clean Subroutine Call.
        • "Similarly, the designers did not perceive any need for a subroutine call in a schedule-time script. This is harder to understand, for many JCL programs make extensive use of open subroutines, that is, repeated sequences of commands identical except for a few parameters" (Brooks, 171).
    • How Did JCL Get That Way?
      • Designers who worked on this language brought too much experience into the task, hence users like us who don't have much experience tend to not want to learn JCL.
      • "Few types of control cards did indeed characterize the 1410/7010 operating system, and fewness equated to simplicity as a goal for oS/360 JCL. This led to having too few verb types. Not only was fewness of card types wrong; so was the implicit assumption that each job would be controlled by a few cards of each type. In the event, JCL scripts usually contained dozens of statements" (Brooks, 172).
      • One problem discovered was that most designers believed that JCL was nerver really designed. If the designers who designed it had thought of it as a language, then perhaps there was hope.
I have spent 2 hours on this assignment.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Optimization for Engineering Design by Kalyanmoy Deb - Summary of Preface and Introduction

Summary of Preface and Introduction

  • It is always hard for engineers and researchers to under the importance of the roles played by optimization in engineering design.
  • After the introduction of computer, optimization has become key in minimizing the cost of production and maximizing the efficiency of production.
  • Two distinct type of optimization algorithms:
    • Deterministic optimization algorithms - specific rules for moving from one solution to the next.
    • Stochastic in nature with probabilistic transition rules, these algorithms are new and popular due properties that the deterministic algorithm does not have.
    • Designer must know the differences between the two and be able to choose te one that is needed for the problem he/she is facing.
  • Formulation of the design problem in a mathematical format in an important part of the optimal design.
  • Four different design problems are introduced in chapter 1.
  • It is simpler to explain single variable design process first, which is then done in chapter 2.
  • Chapter 3 present a number of algorithms that are used for optimizing multivariable functions that have unconstrained function.
  • Chapter 4 discusses how to solved  constrained optimization problems.
  • Chapter 5 deal with two geometric programming problems.
  • Chapter 6 discusses two nontraditional optimization algorithms and the issue f finding the global optimal solutions.
  • Algorithms in chapter 4 use linar programming methods.
  • Each algorithm is presented in a step by step format so that way it can easily understood and coded in a computer language.
  • Each chapter contains at least one working code, that can be implemented to become an optimization algorithm presented in the chapter.
  • The primary objective is to introduce different algorithms to students and design engineers, and provide them with a easy understanding using computer code which are easy to understand.
  • Optimizing algorithms are becoming more popular day by day in the engineering design.
    • Aerospace engineers worry about the components added to the overall weight of the aircraft.
    • Mechanical engineers  design their components to achieve their goals of maximizing the life of the components or lowering the manufacturing costs.
    • Chemical engineers are interested in achieving the max rate of production.
    • Production engineers are interested to make sure the idle time of a machine is minimal, so they create a schedule that is constantly using the machines to create a higher rate of production.
    • Civil engineers design buildings, damns, or other structures to achieve the goal of safety or minimal cost overall.
    • Electrical engineers design way of communicating to achieve minimum time of communication from one node to another.
  • The above tasks involves some type of minimization or maximization of an objective.
  • As a designer performs these tasks, he/she will learn by practice. However, some designer should know some aspects of the formulation procedure, which can then help them choose a proper optimization algorithm.
  • 1.1 Optimal Problem Formulation
    • Using knowledge that we already know, a naive optimal design is achieved by comparing up to ten alternative design solutions.
    • Naive method is followed because of certain limitations, also some designers are unaware of the existing optimization algorithms.
    • Since optimization algorithms look at several different number of design solutions, it is often time consuming and hard to compute.
    • Variable vary from time to time, and each design has different number of parameters.
    • Purpose is to create a mathematical model of the optimal design problem.
    • Steps involved in an optimal design formulation process.
      • Need for optimization
      • Choose design variables
      • Formulate constraints
      • Formulate objective function
      • Set up variable bounds
      • Choose an optimization algorithm
      • Obtain solution(s)
    • 1.1.1 Design Variables
      • Formulation of problem begins with finding the underlying design variables.
      • One parameter may be important with respect to minimizing the overal cost of the design  and insignificant when maximizing the life of the component.
      • First thumb rule is to choose as few design variables as you can.
    • 1.1.2. Constraints
      • Now find the constraints of the problem.
      • In many problems, the constraints are formulated to satisfy stress and deflection limitations.
      • An algorithm or a mechanism is necessary to calculate the constraint.
      • Two types of constraints:
        • "Inequality type states the the functional relationship among design variables are either greater than, smaller than, or equal to, a resource value" (Deb, 5).
        • Equality type are more difficult to handle and are then avoided whenever designers possibly can.
      • Most constraints are inequality type.
      • Some constraints may be greater-than-equal  to type.
      • Second thumb rule is that the number of complex equality constraints should be low.
    • 1.1.3 Objective Function
      • Find the objective function using the design variables and other problem parameters.
      • There are problems that do not have mathematical forms of their objectives.
        • For such cases, a mathematical approximation expression is used.
      • The designer choose the most important objective as the objective function of the optimization problem.
      • The objective function is not required to be expressed in a mathematical form.
        • Two types
          • The objective function can be minimized.
          • The objective function can be maximized.
        • Duality principle helps be allowing the same algorithm to be used for either or min or max with additional minor changes.
    • 1.1.4 Variable Bounds
      • Final task is to set the min and max bounds of each design variable.
      • Optimal solutions lies between the two bounds.
      • After the four tasks have been completed, the optimization problem ca be written mathematically into a special format: (NLP) non-linear programming
    • All the above four tasks are not independent of each other.

Monday, February 20, 2012

"Maker" Videos


  • Reale created a device that uses the current from water to provide any factory/home with more energy that what it was gaining from just normal energy use.
  • Inspired by a shark that went around eating plankton.
  • With the calling system, now there is 40% more energy.
  • For low-level water, to get inspired, maybe designers need to look at other types of fishes or sharks.
  • Reale wants to create things that can make jobs to help our the people that live near him.
  • Electronic parts that can be joined magnetically.
  • These little bits were mainly designed for prototyping, they were also designed for children to play and learn.
  • Bdeir show the viewers how to use little bits to create a simple, but intriguing system.
  • This machine has been hacked to knit any digital image. 
  • It automatically adjusts the needle position as it knits each row.
  • Salomone shows a sweater that he created Bill Cosby which shows Bill Cosby wearing a sweater.

Design of Design - Summary of Chapters 11 - 12

Chapter 11: Constraints Are Friends

  • Constraints
    • Constraints can cause problems, but often constraints are good for designers. It allows the designers to focus and speed up the design process.
    • Constraints challenge the designer to create something that evolves around the constraints set.
  • Up to a Point
    • Artificial constraints are easier to relate to, so designers don't have to worry about that constraints as much as other constraints, perhaps ones that at may push the designer into an empty corner.
    • One must carefully distinguish between constraints:
      • Obsolete Constraints.
        • Obsolete Constraints are those that can not be changed and have to be obeyed.
          • Ex: creating software using certain amount of memory spaces.
      • Misperceived Constraints.
        • More subtle.
        • Uses the example of multiplying two 2x2 matrices in only seven multiplications instead of eight, "one must discard the misperceived constraint that vector operations must be used" (Brooks, 130).
        • Example of designers meeting all the system performance requirements and all the system reality requirements, but their analysis was rejected because it did not specify topology.
        • "When you specify something to be designed, tell what properties you need, not how they are to be achieved, If implementation approaches are given as constraints, better solutions are cut off. For the sake of the artifact and the user, the designer confronted with false constraints should fight back!" (Brooks, 132).
      • Constraints misperceived as real.
      • Intentional artificial constraints.
  • A Design Paradox: General-Purpose Artifacts Are Harder than Special-Purpose Ones
    • Hardest part of designing is deciding what you want.
    • If there are no constraints, then there are no criteria for excellence.
    • The most constrained, the assigned goal, the more of this task has already been accomplished.
    • Dashing Off a General-Purpose Design.
      • General-purpose computers are well understood.
      • A good designer can sketch for days; the set of architectural decisions is clear:
        • Instruction formats
        • Addressing and memory management
        • Datatypes and their representations
        • Operation set
        • Instruction sequencing
        • Supervisor facilities
        • Input-output
    • Designing the Special-Purpose Computer Architecture.
      • This clearly takes a lot of work up front.
      • "One has to develop an explicit characterization of the application" (Brook, 134).
    • Designing an Excellent General-Purpose Architecture.
      • A designer also needs a user model to design a general-purpose architecture, which is much harder to craft.
      • Each application must be understood, then they all have to be weighted:
        • Across the entire application set.
        • Across the entire set of intended machine implementations.
        • Across the decades of lifetime that a new architecture must contemplate.
    • Software Design.
      • "Designing a special-purpose programming language is straight-forward compared to the delicate balancing of expressive power, generality, and parsimony that one must seek in a general-purpose programming language. Restraint is so much easier to practice in the special-purpose design" (Brooks, 135).
    • Spatial Design.
      • Designing a bedroom hold the same paradox. It is easier to design a really nice bedroom than having to design a public living room because public spaces should have more functionality.
  • Net
    • If a task does not have any constraints, then first think harder about what you really want, about the user models, and probably find some constraints which will benefit the user and the designer.
Chapter 12: Esthetics and Style in Technical Design
  • Esthetics in Technical Design
    • Vitruvius says to build a good building architecture, it needs three things: 
      • Firmness
      • Usefulness
      • Delight
    • Vitruvius claims that all of our building structures must satisfy our soul's need for beauty.
    • What role does the beauty of esthetics play in technical design?
      • Physical form are capable of visual beauty. Some even incorporate term such as "elegant" and "ugly" when referring to different programming languages.
  • What Is Logical Beauty?
    • Parsimony
      • "Elegance" Requires Parsimony.
        • A definition of elegance in mathematics is "accomplishing a great deal with few elements."
        • Designers are always persuaded to create programming languages with parsimony as a guide, since computer design is placed at a higher value on parsimony.
      • Not the Whole Story.
        • However just parsimony is not enough, adding index registers that aren't necessary can radically improve performance and cost.
        • Uses Van der Poel's design as an example.
        • APL - similar story can be told for this programming language.
          • "it is even fashionable to see how much function can be packed into one line of APL"(Brooks. 141).
    • Structural Clarity
      • Parsimony Is Not Enough.
        • One key element in a computer architecture is its uniformness. The language that is used to communicate via two devices must be straight forward and easy to understand.
      • Structure.
        • ""Elegance" in a technical design demands that the basic structural concept of the design be plainly evident and, if not logically straightforward, easily explained" (Brooks, 142).
      • Metaphor.
        • "Both “elegance” and comprehensibility are aided by the use of familiar and simple metaphors, especially in user interfaces to the designed object" (Brooks. 142).
    • Consistency
      • Good architecture will be explained in the next section by Brooks and Gerry Blaauw.
    • What Is Good Computer Architecture?
      • Good computer architecture never fail to include needed functions. If it does, it is known to be erroneous.
      • Brooks and Blaauw believes that consistency is shown in its quality.
      • Some consistent solutions are not easy to find, and some are very hard to identify.
      • For computer architecture:
        • Brevity of description.
        • Simplicity of code generation.
        • Suitability for many implementations.
      • Derived Principles.
        • Three major design principles:
          • Orthogonality
          • Propriety
          • Generality
      • Orthogonality: Do Not Link What Is Independent.
        • A change in one function of the design doesn't affect the another function in the same set of design.
      • Propriety: Do Not Introduce What Is Immaterial.
        • When the product meets necessary goals just to function, the product is then called proper.
        • "Parsimony is a subset of propriety. Another is transparency, the property that a function's implementation produces no visible side effects" (Brooks, 144).
      • Generality: Do No Restrict What is Inherent
        • The ability to use a function for many different needs. Designers design this way when they think that the user will use it inventively or change it drastically to fit their needs.
    • More Virtues of Consistency
      • "Consistency is reinforcing and self-teaching, because it con- firms and encourages our expectations. It also solves the conflict between ease of use and ease of learning" (Brooks, 144).
  • Style in Technical Design
    • There are two style components that affect delight:
      • Consistency with which a style if effected.
      • Intrinsic qualities of the style itself.
    • What is Style?
      • Definitions.
        • "The Oxford English Dictionary defines style, in the sense we are considering, as
          • 14. Those features of literary composition that belong to form or expression rather than to the substance of the thought or matter expressed.
          • 21. A particular mode or form of skilled construction, execution or production; the manner in which a work of art is executed, regarded as characteristic of the individual artist or of his time and place.
        • Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913 edition):
          • 4. Mode of presentation, especially in music or any of the fine arts; a characteristic or peculiar mode of developing an idea or accom- plishing a result.
        • Akin [1988], “Expertise of the architect”:
          • Style as an expression of the designer’s personal and professional choices is a vehicle which helps limit the many degrees of freedom that design problems have" (Brooks, 146).
      • A Characteristic of Detailing.
        • We know that works are different from different artists and designer, however, there is still a similar style among them.
      • A Hypothesis: Minimization of Mental Effort.
        • All design, all creation, involves hundreds of microdecisions. Habits seem to be a mechanism by which humans economize on mental effort, by which we reduce the burden of decision making in everyday life" (Brooks, 146).
      • Consistency across Microdecisions.
        • Designers have to make sure as they make microdecisions, that they are consistent, not only across time, but also among similar decisions that have already been made about the same factor.
      • Clarity of Style.
        • If a designer is able to make decisions that are consistent on a boarder scale, we say that the designer has a clear sense of style.
      • My Working Definition (Brook's Working Definition):
        • "Style is a set of different repeated microdecisions, each made the same way whenever it arises, even though the context may be different" (Brooks, 147).
  • Properties of Styles
    • Specification Is Costly.
      • It takes a remarkable amount of time to make a style explicit. It took the Chicago Manual 984 pages on just style.
    • Specification Is Hierarchical.
      • Any specification is inherently hierarchal.
        • Dialect and diction
        • Person, tense, formality, vividity of color, warmth of tone
        • Balance and rhythm
        • Usage
        • Punctuation
        • Compositional layout
    • Styles Evolve.
      • Over time, style change, just as fashion changed or the 17th century English gardens.
  • To Get a Consistent Style --Document It!
    • A design style is defined by a set of decisions made by the designer. A clear style show consistency among the decisions made, however we can not say that a clear style is always a good style.
    • A design team must always document the style and design properly whether it be via drawings, blueprints, or a manual.
  • How to Achieve a Good Style
    • Simple, straight-forward.
    • Study Other Designers' Styles Intentionally.
      • Practice working in someone else's style.
    • Make Conscious Judgments.
      • "Write opinions as to what styles you like and why, what aspects of a particular style and why" (Brooks, 150).
    • Practice. Practice. Practice.
    • Revise.
      • "Look for stylistic inconsistencies" (Brooks, 150).
    • Choose Designers Carefully.
      • "Seek for your products designers who have clear styles and good taste, as demonstrated by their previous works" (Brooks, 150).

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MORE New and Amazing Technologies of 2012

World's First 3D Printed Lower Jaw Implant

This 3D printed titanium lower jaw implant has been created by Washington State University researchers. An 83-year old patient with a serious jaw infection received the first jaw implant. This jaw implant has given the patient the ability to bite again. 

Squid Fitness Monitoring Shirt

This shirt keeps track of your gym progress. Squid is a set of electromyography sensors attached to a box that pushes your workout data to a smartphone application, which will then give you a detailed overview of your progress.

Non-Surgical Procedures Repairs Severed Nerves in Minutes

U.S. Researchers have developed a nonsurgical technique that can repair severed nerves in minutes. Professor George Bittner and his colleagues at the University of Texas at Austin Center for Nueroscience have developed this simple, inexpensive procedure. The procedure quickly heals severed peripheral nerves. This new procedure can help patients fully recover and be able to function at their fullest strength in days or weeks.

I have spent one hour on this assignment.

Design of Design - Summary of Chapters 8 - 10

Chapter 8: Rationalism Versus Empiricism in Design
Rationalism versus Empiricism

  • Can one person alone design a complex object correctly by a sufficient thought?
    • The answer can be given in two way depending perspective.
      • Empiricists would believe one person cannot.
      • Rationalists would believe one person can.
  • These two perspectives can be broken down into thoughts deeper.
    • Empiricist believes that man is inherently flawed and could repeatedly have an urge to do things wrong.
    • Rationalists would believe man is inherently sound. Man can make mistakes, but can also fix these mistakes with education and maturity.

Software Design

  • Rationalists would believe that computer programs are mathematical objects fashioned in abstraction and made correct by proof.
  • One should design software to be correct, and then prove the design is correct.
  • Empiricists would believe that humans will inevitably make mistakes. 
  • Firm faith in fallibility can be a good thing because it allows for important decisions to take place early on in the project, for instance, design, early prototypes, early user testing, iterative incremental implementation, testing on a rich bank of test cases, and regression testing after changes.

I Am a Dyed-in-the-Wool-Empiricist

  • Brooks mentions that only twice in his life has he written a program that worked correctly the first time and did what he wanted it to do.
  • However, Brooks desk-checked the 1,500 line code meticulously before running the program for the first time.
  • This experience is an existence proof for the possibility of rational design for correctness. However with real people, it is hard to maintain the motivation of repeatedly checking code.
  • Designing program in a correct way, to show that operating system are designed and implemented correctly, people use formal proof methods to prove this.
  • Kernel is probably as far as the correctness proof techniques should be applied.
  • Harlan Mills and his colleagues developed a "cleanroom" technique for correctness-proving. People are divided into teams, the design group explains why their design is correct, while other challenge the argument and assumptions.
  • "Formal proof of correctness is usually infeasible; abandoning all effort of systematic verification is dangerous..." (Brooks, 108).

Rationalism, Empiricism, and Correctness in Other Design Domains

  • Designers have only attempted to prove correctness by formal method in software engineering.
  • Software design in which no material is involved is like organization design.
  • People now do rigorous analysis on mechanical parts, from stress, vibration, to acoustic analyses.
  • Real-time videotaped walk-through can help guide architects and clients through simulated use scenarios of buildings/other developed objects.
  • With this extensive empirical analyses comes greater iteration in the design process.
  • Can one person alone design a complex object correctly with a sufficient thought alone?
    • The answer is NO, testing and iteration are in practice necessary.

Chapter 9: User Models -- Better Wrong than Vague
Explicit User and Use Models

  • Experience designers start by writing everything they know about the user, purpose of use, and mode of use so far. Designers who are wise also write down things that they don't know but can assume about the user.


  • Not very many designers want to do that extra work before starting on a design. However, it is a necessary practice, and doing so will improve the designer's design practice.

Team Design
  • All designers have some visual idea in their minds of how the user will be able to use this object/device. 
  • The exercise of having the same user model and the same use model is rare because the members of the team usually believe that they share a common set of assumptions. 
  • However, assumptions can be wrong sometimes, then differing models can yield to inconsistent designs in the team.
  • Complex Designs.
    • With the growth of complexity, the need for explicit use models increases. 
    • For example, a shovel can be used to move snow, grain, coal, etc. For that reason, it is important to explicitly state what it's needed for.
What If the Facts Are Not Available?
  • Most designers are confronted with the fact that they don't know much about the object when they start creating a use model.
  • Example: Product that routes and schedules school buses. You have to look at time constraints, number of buses, number of drivers, geographic distribution of pupils, etc. 
  • "As the questions get harder, the answers get vaguer" (Brooks, 116).

  • Once a designer has move beyond questions that can be answered, he should guess a set of attributes in order to develop the user and use models.
  • Writing down the values can create something concrete which can then be easily criticized and debated on.
  • Most important questions
    • Which assumptions matter?
    • How much?
  • Assumptions always remain debatable in the end.

Better Wrong than Vague!
  • How can a designer assume details about uses and users?
    • The answer is without even thinking about it, you're going to make these assumptions.
  • Wrong assumptions are better than vague ones cause wrong ones get questioned.

Chapter 10: Inches, Ounces, Bits, Dollars -- The Budgeted Resource
What's the Budgeted Resource?
  • "Within any design, there is at least one scarce resource to be rationed or budgeted" (Brooks, 120).
  • If a design team wants to have conceptual integrity, then they want to name the scarce resource explicitly, track it publicly, and control it firmly.

Often Not Dollars
  • Some budgeted resources that are not dollars:
    • Inches of oceanfront, in a beach house
    • Ounces of payload, in a spacecraft—or in a backpack
    • Memory bandwidth, in any von Neumann computer architecture 
    • Nanoseconds of timing tolerance, in a GPS system 
    • Calendar days, on an asteroid-interception project
    • Resident kernel memory space, in OS/360 design
    • Program hours, at a conference 
    • Pages, on a grant proposal or a journal paper 
    • Power (and stored energy) on a communications satellite 
    • Heat, in a high-performance chip 
    • Water, on western farmland 
    • Student learning hours, in a degree curriculum 
    • Political power, in an organization’s constitution 
    • Seconds, even frames, in a film or video 
    • Hours of access to the track per day, in London Underground engineering and maintenance 
    • Format bits, in a computer architecture 
    • Hours or minutes, in a military assault plan

Even Dollars Have Flavors, and Surrogates
  • "Even when cost is in fact to be the budgeted commodity for a design project, cost varieties must be considered" (Brooks, 121).
  • Most designers adopt surrogates as their budgeted resources when it comes to money. 
  • Surrogates have several advantages:
    • Simpler.
    • More stable.
    • Designers can work with them long before they are aware of the ratio between surrogate and dollar.
  • However, surrogates can lead one astray.

The Budgeted Resource Can Change
  • Which resources are critical can be determined in the shifts in technology, since they change, so we are not aware of when some resources are in high demand.
  • Budgeted resources can change in the middle of a design because as we learn more about the project, we become smarter and know what resources are wiser to use.
  • Robert Ruthrauff built a performance simulator and got it running, but the results were horrifying. As time went on, the project's budgeted resource switched from memory bytes to disk accesses.

So What?
  • Identify Explicitly
    • A project manager normally begins by analyzing the constraints and objectives, then identifies explicitly the budgeted resources. 
    • Often schedule may become the budgeted resource, if a company wants to be the first to market their new product.
  • Track Publicly
    • The whole teams should be aware of the current budget for the critical resources. 
  • Control Firmly
    • For critical resources, it is wise for the project manager to keep a few of these resources allocated and hidden, just in case, it is needed.
I have spent 2 hours on this assignment.